Clarinet Lessons

No More Squeaks!
The clarinet has a beautiful, pure sound with a large range. You'll learn how to sound better, especially on those high notes!
Starting Playing Right Away
Clarinet lessons are available for students of all ages and skill levels, with instruction in jazz, classical, and concert band styles.
Fix Airy Tones or Flat Pitches
The clarinet has a particularly high voicing, even higher than other woodwinds. If you're struggling, your teacher can help.
Clean Up Fingering Awkwardness
You can master the clarinet’s fingering system, where there are multiple fingerings for each note.
Read Notes Better
The clarinet has a broad range of pitches, so you'll need get good at reading lots of notes!
Improve Your Rhythm Skills
You might hit the right pitches, but if they're out of tempo or offbeat, they lose their meaning. Let's fix that.

Play the Clarinet Right Away

Our specialty is making sure your clarinet lessons get off to a smooth start. Learning to play your clarinet correctly requires knowing how to assemble it, produce a consistent tone, and read notes.

You will learn how to play the clarinet properly, which involves posture, voicing, finger technique, and breath support.

Enjoy Playing the Clarinet

You will immediately begin learning songs, and you will enjoy yourself more as you improve. There are many emotionally stirring pieces of music for solo playing, and the clarinet has a warm, rich, and expressive sound.

Teenage boy playing at clarinet lesson

No More Squeaks on the Clarinet

Playing the clarinet is fascinating because of its lovely, clean tone and wide range. We’ll show you how to sound better, especially on those high notes!

We help students of all ages learn how to play the clarinet quickly and easily. You will receive assistance with air support, tonguing, fingering, and those high notes. You’ll feel more confident and perform better.

Turbocharge Your Clarinet Technique

Improve your clarinet technique by learning solid techniques and following a practice plan to help you develop greater technical agility and confidence.

You’ll learn to sculpt your sound, and soon you’ll be playing more difficult clarinet music with confidence. Soon, you will be able to effortlessly perform your favourite songs.

our clarinet teachers

RCM Clarinet Exams Or Popular Songs

We will help you choose the best songs and etudes to showcase your skills and prepare for all Royal Conservatory of Music exams.

Along with learning scales, you’ll also be ready for the sight-reading and ear tests.

If you like a more relaxed program, then there are plenty of popular pieces for the clarinet, especially if you like swing and jazz.

Male and female playing clarinet together

No Registration Fees

Enrollment is on-going so you can start anytime.