Recitals & Competitions

Music recitals are a wonderful way for family and friends to share, nurture and evaluate a student’s performance and progress in a positive and supportive atmosphere.

Competitions are a great way to motivate students of all ages and levels, and give them a series of realistic goals and tangible rewards for their achievements.

Annual Student Recital

Performing in front of an audience is a very important aspect of the learning process, and recitals are a wonderful place to practice and perfect that very skill.

All students will be invited to participate in our annual recital in June.

The recital serves many purposes – it motivates students to “polish” their songs to the highest level;  opens their ears to a wide variety of instruments and styles; exposes them to other students of similar age and skill;  teaches them stage presence and concert etiquette; and most important of all- makes mom and dad proud!

Festivals & Competitions

Get help today with your music recital and competition preparation!