Great Flute Teachers
Develop A Beatufiul Flute Sound
Suport Your Flute Sound
RCM Flute Exams Or Play For Fun
Play Flute Like A Pro
Flute Lessons For All Ages and Levels
Play Amazing Flute Melodies
You will learn exponentially faster with someone who you can play along with and who can provide you with guidance to help you learn quickly and effectively. Learn the best habits so you can succeed quickly.
Lessons comprise of 3 main elements:
- Songs
- Tone, breath control and technique
- Sight-reading, ear training and theory

Become a Better Flute Player
To alter the sound of your flute, you need to do more than just blow harder or softer. Playing is built on a solid, well-supported air stream.
The development of a beautiful sound takes careful listening to yourself to achieve a higher standard. As you improve you’ll truly be able to greater control of your tone.
Improve your breath support, embouchure control and finger dexterity. Together these three elements will determine the pitch, volume and timbre of a note.
Take Flute Lessons from a Pro
Your teacher will not only help you with fast runs, tonguing, and swooping arpeggios – essentially, running all over the instrument in rapid notes – but also with creating a warm full tone in the lower register. Your flute will sound its best and produce the most variations in colour and dynamics.
With professional flute lessons you can explore the lowest resonant notes, and the sparkle of the highest octave. You teacher can help you to produce a more delicate effect with skillful hands and a natural breathing technique.

Play Flute Like an Expert
You can improve your high school band abilities or just have fun playing any kind of music. You can even take an exam at the Royal Conservatory of Music and push yourself with more traditional material.
Our studios offer a distraction-free, professional, and concentrated learning environment.
Playing with a wide range of dynamics is important to a musical performance. Learn how to extend you volume beyond just playing only forte and mezzo forte.